Wednesday, November 29, 2006


Is your birthday the time for a review meeting with yourself? Was i supposed to prepare a status report or a progress report and identify the slippages and risks in my life's plan and come up with mitigation and fire fighting strategies?

But what if i don't have a plan! What if i dont have a life?

Friday, November 17, 2006

It was my birthday yesterday...and i'm not feeling contemplative.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Always end up running in circles
With bruises of bright greens and purples
Sooner or later must put up a fight
unchain and let it take flight
these are my thoughts, superfluous bubbles

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Please keep your distance

My friend says long distance relationships just can't work out because what u can say in a hug you can't ever express in a million words. I've come to learn quite the contrary.
Long distance realtionships are stonger precisely becuase you don't have the convenience of a hug. If somebody's pissed off, if something is wrong the only way to resolve a misunderstanding is by expressing yourself in words. Words that otherwise would have been supressed. We use and over use the hug and hell even the kiss. He's screaming at you just hug him and he'll melt, but all that discussion you would've had otherwise if you'd continued gets lost. Hence the misunderstanding never gets cleared. The questions never get asked. The questions never get answered. End of communication. Without realising you are bottling up things. Oneday a little jerk will make you burst like a cola bottle shaken too hard. End of relationship.
Distances forces you to express. Distance teaches you to be loud 'n' clear. So keep the distance. Am i clear?

Friday, October 06, 2006

Googling Truths

Me: i found an interesting quote from a movie.
Now i want to watch the movie.

TP: which is that?

Me: “There is something about yourself that you don't know. Something that you will deny even exists, until it's too late to do anything about it. It's the only reason you get up in the morning. The only reason you suffer the shitty puss, the blood, the sweat and the tears. This is because you want people to know how good, attractive, generous, funny, wild and clever you really are. Fear or revere me, but please, think I'm special. We share an addiction. We're approval junkies. We're all in it for the slap on the back and the gold watch. The hip-hip-hoo-fuckin' rah. Look at the clever boy with the badge, polishing his trophy. Shine on you crazy diamond, because we're just monkeys wrapped in suits, begging for the approval of others.”

TP: boy !

Me: what a dialogue !

TP: sure it is
Revolver it is ?

Me: u googles it !

TP: :D

Me: shame

TP: what ..
chalta hai

Me: obviously that link turned up because i copied it from there
Sometimes u get so addicted to a tool, u use it even when u don’t need it - like using logs to calculate 100/25 and getting 3.986.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006


Why is it easier to wear the mask of a happy go lucky fool?
Because it protects you from the pain of being a sincere idiot
Then what is the pain one still suffers?
The pain of suffocation

Monday, July 31, 2006

Lone reed/wolf/ranger etc etc

The first day of my life alone was not as horrible or as scary as I anticipated it to be. A spacious two bedroom apartment and no one to share it with. In a colony of respectable people and nobody to talk to.
Easy with the sympathy already. It isn’t as bad as I’m making it sound. Living alone has its own perks. Here are a few i discovered.
You can play your favourite music, turn up the volume to full blast or put on your headphone (if u have finiky neighbours) and pretend to be Aerosmith without having to worry about people thinking you’re crazy ..even though that’s probably what you're screaming.
I’m not such a big fan of walking around naked in my living room even though Alanis Morisette recommends it so fervently.
Read a book all day with absolutely no distractions, in whatever position u’re comfortable in, at whatever hour of the day, with whatever title on the cover.
Don’t make your bed for two days and no one will complain. Ok I get disgusted by the third day.
Cook exactly what you want to eat. Eat only if you want to. The fan runs at exactly the speed you like it. No compromising. No sharing. No having to be considerate. No worrying abt looking insensitive.
And finally you can buy a signboard that says “Beware of Dogs” and put it up outside your door
Ah! This is the life.

PS: This article was started on the 15th of July and finished on the 18th at 1:33 AM

And it falleth from heaven

Mumbai rains have a mind like mine – fickle. A fat blob of distilled water, reluctantly falling from the too heavy to float clouds in the heavens up above, comes and hits your head with a soft vengeance, a kind of vengeance that is almost sorrow. The sorrow of being torn apart from your element, pulled away from your paradise. That cloud is where the party is at. All the high flying and happening water droplets meet up here to rock to the thundering musing and electrifying lighting effects. Some water drops in their party high and moment of drunken indiscretion forget when to put that glass of intoxicant down. Next thin’ they know is they are piss-drunk, no longer in control of themselves. No longer aerodynamic a fat blob of water falls unwillingly from the happening heavens up above, forced apart from dear like minded friends, onto your naked skin with a feeling of deep deep regret.

The above article is dated Tuesday, June 27, 2006 7:46:24 PM

This is the most abstract piece of writing i've ever written. It was written in a car in a traffic jam in mumbai. It was ofcourse inspired by the fact that the rains couldnt decide whether to fall or not, therefore making my indecision about opening the umberalla constant. Besides if you really wanna avoid getting wet in Mumbai, get an umbrella that doubles up as a boat. Falling from the sky is a kind of Sazaa-e-Kaalapani, before you know it they've built a civilization of outcasts also known as floods.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Knock yourselves out!

So it was the ultimate congregation of phonies, fresh off some 'premier' B-schools. ‘The Cream of India’ lathargically sitting around the buffet table after really heavy supper chewing the fat. One guy from an 'extra premier B-school' suddenly interrupts and asks, “Do any of you read?”. I was like, ”Duh yeah of course we read. We didn’t get of graduating just like that you know.”, in my head. Another one with a particularly hoarce voice shot off, “yeah I love reading. I’m currently reading the biography of Indira Gandhi”. He to his dismay was unable to recall the name of the book. Damn he started a trend! Everyone started to take turns announcing what they were reading. Was I reading anything then? Damn I was. I’m still going to say I’m not reading anything, I don’t read, I decided. “God of small things”, I blurted when my turn came. Some spine I have. It wasn’t like I was held at gunpoint or anything. “But I don’t really like it”, I muttered to cover up.”I really liked Catch 22 though” falling again in the same damn pit again!
“Oh Catch 22! That’s a really cool book”
“Yeah I thought it was hilarious”
“Oh I’ve always wanted to read it but I was daunted by the size.”
“Yeah it’s a tough read alright. Took me ‘bout six damn months to get done with it”
“but it’s a great book”
“But Catcher in the Rye is really an awesome book. J.D. Salinger is really good.”
Eh! That statement was so off the boat it nearly killed me! What’s the catch? Phony ass bastard!


Shooting the bull with some guys from work at tea break:
Him: Hey I’ve finished reading that book you anted. Had finished it long back just forgot to let you know.
Me: Hmm no issues. I’m keeping myself quite busy. had bought some books so read that over the weekend.
Him: What book?
Me: Err..Catcher in the Rye *reluctantly*
Him: *face lights up* that’s a really good book.
Me: I know, I read it.
Him: Have you read Catch 22?
Me: *fell off the chair*


Here’s a fresh one:

What’s the opposite of Thank you?
Fuck you

Knock yourselves out !!!

Disclaimer: Still in the Catcher in the Rye sort of mood. Figured I’d use the language used in the book just for the effect. To bring out the irony, you know. Havn’t done a good job of it, in keeping with the style. No offence to anybody or anything like that.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Starry Night

Picture regretfully removed due to technical difficulties.

Above you can see today's Astronomy Picture of the Day (click on the picture for a larger version), showing a nice picture of a night sky. If you go with the mouse over it, it draws for you the corresponding constellations (for that, you have to do it in their website, not here, because I couldn't get the nice effect)! Worth seeing and trying later with the real sky :-) .


For Purnima and Rashi :)

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

At work after 7:30PM

The air conditioner whirring
Clickety-clicks of tactile feedback keyboard
Maybe a flip of a page or pages somewhere
Jangling of a bunch of keys
Moans of adjustable seats
Ah the chair on wheels rolls
The murmur must be them office trolls.

Monday, July 17, 2006

You let go so easily
was that all it was meant to be?
On a lonely summer's night, miss me
This is my gift to you
A curse for free.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


I'm the kind who cribs a lot. I'll whine and wail. I've actually had people getting frustrated with me after a ten minute conversation."Stop complaining!", they'd yell. I had promised myself and you that I would not let that trait spill in here. Something has happened today and i want to cry here. Because there is no one i can cry to, more so because i'm not supposed to.

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Being Undead

A new life is about to begin
A new morning for blue birds to sing
The orange glow at the horizon makes sweet promises
of clear blue skies, of yellow lillies and purple primroses

But unfinished business in this life
like chaines around my ankles anchors me as i spread my wings to take flight
So my soul wanders like the ghost of me
Let me go, set me free.

This old coil i want to shed
That path no longer i want to tread
I have found the place where i i want to be
Let me go, set me free

Not that this life was bad
Scars are like tattoos, works of art
Let them in silence tell my story
Now let me go, set me free!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Rollercoaster Ride

My lifes been somewhat like a rollercoaster ride for sometime now. Left home on the 19th of May and nothings been the same ever since. I am now an employee of one the the top 5 IT Services companies in India or so they claim. If ever anyone was to study the applicability of the chaos theory for the business world this company would make the perfect casestudy. A very apt joke to relate here. A Russian friend after living in India for about a year confesses to me that she's started to believe in God. On enquiring for the reason for her new found faith she replies, " In russia there are rules, there is a system for eveything and everyone follows it so things work. In india there are no rules, no system yet things work - There must be a God." To quote my mentor here, "The only type of person that can survive here is the kind that can thrive in chaos. To break the rules, you must know the rules and the only rule here is there are no rules. If you're the kind of guy who needs a 5 step startegy on even how to sneeze you're better off at Infy".
Uh man there is so much to talk about but lunch beckons and the stomach growls. will be back

Monday, May 08, 2006

What I hate about blogging! (Part II)

Ok this is what I’d wanted to say the last time I wrote about it but knowing me, I had to go off on a tangent.
Something about the blog world had been pissing me off lately and I couldn’t lay a finger on it. At first I got irritated that a friend brought up something serious I’d written in one of the posts as a joke at a party, I let it pass as her naivety. Then some blogs I visited regularly disappeared. Man, this sooo ticked me off!
I have this new friend who is an aspiring writer. Actually according to me he’s already there. He said to me, “I write. I love to write. I write stories. I don’t blog because I think they’re irresponsible”. It hit me. Yes, that’s exactly it! Blogs are irresponsible.
I blog, which means I write blogs and I read blogs. Lots of people do that. Blogs for very obvious reasons have become a place for some very personal expression. So when you interact with people at that level of intimacy you kind of end up getting attached to them or at least their blogs. Nothing can be more disturbing than clicking on that oh so familiar link one fine day and being rudely told off that the blog cannot be found. Obviously the owner’s deleted it. Obviously they felt no responsibility towards the readers whatsoever. Obviously it is your fault for being there in the first place - nobody invited you.
The blogs most prone to this kind of need for desertion of its audience I have realised are anonymous blogs. Nah, actually that’s a myth. Any blog can disappear any moment, just like that, without any prior notice.
So what is this whole blogging relationship about? There’s no trust factor. No accountability. So this can’t be called a friendship. Maybe there is absolute honesty. Maybe there are true mental connections being forged here. But that’s so ephemeral. What do you do with it? I’d say it’s like pure gold – very desirable but useless.
I’m going to continue blogging, despite this. I haven’t figured out why yet, perhaps that’s the stuff’t of another post. I’m certainly not going to do so under the cloak of anonymity like a coward. I shall bare my soul unabashedly and boldly suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous friendships.

PS: Its not fair that you know where I live, but the only way I can talk to you is by putting up a notice outside my door.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Currently hearing impaired

It was perfect. The sky had started to cloud over. The zephyr was blowing cool flailing the rockers’ curls. The crescent moon had turned a turbid red.It was an omen. The night errupted and the stars burned when the musicians began to work their magic. The guitarist strummed the chords like they were my veins. The drummer had my heart and he decided how it beat. And as the rhythm pulsated through my body, I knew, I was alive.

Four bands – Void, After Death, DemClones and Pin drop Violence played at an engineering college at hyd. I got passes actually I got invited coz my li’l sis’ seeing one of the lead guitarists :D. So here’s a little eyewitness commentary:

First of me:
I wore a stark white formal shirt, to make a statement of course!!! Yes I know you’re supposed to wear black t-shirts with bleeding red print on them but who wants to be part of the crowd! Ok the real deal is I was actually wearing an ultra sexy maroon top that might not have passed the parents censor so the white shirt was for undercover operations only. However, when I got there I felt like too much of an adult and my chaperoning consciousness kinda took over. Yes, so I was wearing the stark white shirt through out the show. Next embarrassing thing – 19 yr old kid asks me if this is my first rock concert. I would’ve mentioned the Bryan Adam’s if I wasn’t absolutely certain of the outcast look I’d receive after that. So just quietly said yes and settled for zero instead of negative points.

Void –
That band that we were particularly interested in...ahem ahem, was awesome. Except that their lead singer had a bit of the case of em’ stage frights. They covered St. Anger by Metallica, Seven Nation Army by White stripes, Rape me by Nirvana and Something by hatebreed. Oh and they also slipped in a composition of their own. Although using the adjective ‘cute’ would be considered opprobrious for this genre of musicians. I think their vocalist did enough damage to the image when he profusely thanked every one for letting them play.
My advice – lose the singer.

After Death –
Hard core death metal – Sepultura, Rammtien the works. Their drummer – Yeah! He was mind blowing!!! Too bad the drums are arranged so you way back into the background that the drummer’s face is obscured. The singer modulated his voice too much to make it sound gruff. He was too skinny to carry it off. Also he kept feeling himself...which actually looked like he wasn’t enjoying doing that and it took a lot of effort to do on stage. There were times when the band just stood there on stage - posing ...I think they were really posing for photographs. I mean seriously posing!
My advice: Drummer you deserve more, get my number :D. Band- get another attitude.

Demclones –
We would’ve mistaken them for biotech students for the double helix in their logo. The more soulful and melodious of the bands started of with a rendition of Limpbizkit’s “I know why you want to hate me” and gradually descended the tempo with U2s Vertigo and coldplay’s yellow, and finally slipped in some of their own soft compositions. This was by far the most appreciated of the bands. The guitarist was phenomenally innovative and deft. I suspect he could even make the guitar enunciate whole English words or even sentences if he wanted to. He had that kind of control over the strings.
Verdict: soulful.

Pin Drop Violence –
Or PDV as they were being referred to fondly, turned up doped to the ‘T’. The guitarist got a little frustrated by the bad feed back system put his guitar down in the middle of the song and just strut off stage. Fame I tell you is a drug that goes straight to the head. Didn’t see them perform, no verdict.

On the whole the flying speakers were out of this world! I got to do a little head banging myself. There were moshpits but I said No thank you. Next time, would actually like to get to a concert with friends instead of my sister, so I don’t feel obligated to behave like a responsible adult!

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Traveller Conversations

Old man: Hurry up! Time’s running out, They’re going to destroy everything!
Little Girl: What?!
Serious woman: Yes, this graffiti you see on the wall, that Buddha carved out of the mountain, the Mario world - all of it!
Little girl: But who’s going to destroy it?
Serious woman: People
Little girl: What people?
Serious Woman: Powerful sadistic people.
Little girl: What are they going to do?
Serious Woman: They’re going to paint the graffiti over with grey, dynamite the Buddha and remove the Mario murals.
Little girl: Why would they do that!
Serious Woman: Because they don’t like it, and because they have the power to.
Little girl: Can’t we stop them?
Serious Woman: No
Little girl: Why?
Serious Woman: ‘cause its our fault.
Little girl: Our fault?
Serious Woman: Yes, we gave them the power.
Little girl: Why?
Serious Woman: They fooled us into it.
Little girl: How?
Old man: We weren’t paying attention. We let them.
Little girl: Now what?
Old man: Hurry up and come along there is so much left to see before it’s destroyed too.

Sunday, March 26, 2006

All that you can't leave behind

Honey, I’m home! Was the sort of exclamation I should’ve made on my return from Dubai. The reality was quite contrary, from the minute I bought the ticket home till this moment every cell in my body’s been screaming to remain in Dubai. Maybe because I was just not ready to come home yet, maybe because I hadn’t had enough time to let it sink in that I’d be leaving Dubai and God forbid for good. That is probably why I hadn’t bought the ticket until the last day or packed until the last hour. Ironically, no matter how much I cursed it, I want that life back! I want those friends back. I want all of it back!!!
I want to pile into those little toy buses like prison workers while waiting frustrated but patiently for Nair Sahab to take the last swig and dab out his cigarette and start the bus. the long rides between KV and meadows when your only two options were to make mindless conversation with the person sitting next to you or stare aimlessly out of the window while silently bearing that infernal bollywood hit number for the 100th time.
I miss the being in front of the laptop all day constantly connected to everyone else. Where everyone’s just an email away. Where a harmless email forwarded carelessly could start a war and everybody would just jump in for the action whether it concerned them or not. Spend the entire day surfing the web reading random articles.
The people, I miss the most. Long walks around lakes, houses, trees with friends, strangers and peace. The quirky conversations spilling with humour, sprinkled with satire, seasoned with intellect –pseudo or otherwise.
Before I lose my mind over this god please help me find some form of business!

Saturday, March 18, 2006

sand darkens the sky

She said, "Make a wish."
I couldn't think of anything.
Then it dawned
I had everything i could wish for

Friday, March 03, 2006

What I hate abt Blogging

Its always at the back of ur mind.
No matter what ur doing - taking the bus home, taking a dump or talking to ur love interest - You’re always wondering whether you can blog about it. You’re constantly measuring its ‘blogability index’(somebody has a trademark on this word). You hack away a 1000 word essay in your head at the speed of light.. Ofcourse, these words come to you at the most opportune times such as the examples mentioned above. There is absolutely no means of recording this lucid flow of thoughts. Five minutes later the bus stops or you pull the lever and your beautiful piece of literature is flushed down the drain.
Finally, one day you find the time and conviction to sit down in front of your computer and write about something and your mind gives you haath (Hyderabadi expression for ditching). It pretends to be the reflection of the maansarovar – clear and serene. Hello, I’m not exactly sitting down to meditate here! Noorie be my name, if it were half as still when I am actually trying to meditate!
Then you forcefully wake imagination up from its Kumbhkaran like hibernation, it gets to work bleary-eyed and u end up typing random stuff like this.
[end edited]
Then, imagination comes to the rescue on a dark stead, with a diamond on it forehead, and you end up typing random stuff like this.



Thursday, February 23, 2006

My two lips are Sealed

Have you ever been startled by your own voice? I have, lots of times. Infact all the time. I am by nature a very quiet person. Atleast that is how I appear form a distance i.e. to the people who aren’t as close to me. While I’m quiet I have whole conversations in my head, reach logical/illogical conclusions by myself, and crack jokes that crack me up. It’s an entire world happening in my head. On the rare occasion that I do happen to blurt something out the look on my face is identical to that of the people around me, who happened to have heard me; shocked. It takes some time to recover from the shock before I can comprehend the implications of what I’ve said and then device a rescue. Another two words stumble out of my mouth, still incoherent to the world. I resign to my world and everybody else as a lost cause.
It takes a lot out of me to make a verbal oral conversation with people the normal way. I’ve been practicing saying ‘Hi’ to people. Yes, I have to make a conscious effort to say ‘Hi’ to people, I used to smile or nod before i started this excercise.
When you’re this closed to the outside world, people tend to form different notions of you. Some think you’re a snobbish bitch who thinks it’s beneath her to talk to them or you have an ego the size of Atlantis. Some think you’re trying to play mind games with them by just smiling at them. Most often they just assume you are dumb. It’s a tough job to juggle so many images/mis-images at the same time.
It’s a tough life, living quietly. You tend not to have friends or just few friends. It is extremely difficult to express yourself, your feelings, you happiness, your sadness. You find yourself incapable of sharing your emotions, of approaching anybody for help. Then out of shear desperation you turn to the Arts, the alternative form of expression. It is an introvert’s attempt to reach out.

PS: Please don’t approach me personally asking me questions about this blog; I don’t think I’ll be able to answer them.

Friday, February 10, 2006

Simple Things Part 2 - Dirty Vegas

yes i've run a mile in my head
didn't listen to the things that you said
but it's the simple things that make you smile
it's the simple things that make you smile

so what went wrong?
was it me that let you down again?
so what went wrong?
how could I ever lose my best friend?

cause i've climbed these walls to clear my head
thought I was something more but I'm a fool instead
but it's the simple things that make you smile
it's the simple things that make you smile

so what went wrong?
was it me that let you down again?
so what went wrong?
how could I ever lose my best friend?

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Fool Again

It starts of with a little hello,
A three-minutes-and-i-gotta-go'
Slowly the conversations grow longer
The bonds we have grow stronger
There are animated discussions and modulation of tone
It'd be so difficult to hang up the phone
Then one day you found somebody
who made you feel all fuddy-duddy
it drained on us from the start
Slowly we grew apart
Now you think of me no more
The past we cannot restore
The friendship we had is lost
You've found love at that cost

Monday, January 30, 2006

The Suspense Continues...

The much awaited sequel to "Kerla trip pt 1". Since grammer was defenestrated last time, i think, it kind of died by the time my brother wrote this one. Added a little to this one just so that it'd make sense to you. :)

From: My Brother
Sent: Thursday, January 26, 2006 9:53 PM
To: Me
Subject: kerla trip part 2

Day 5

:d here i go again

as everyday i woke up on time thnks to my friends we had our breakfast and left for a place to see almost extinct animal called nilgiri tar (i dont know how to spell it) we had to do some mountain climbing and all it was cool. before the trip my teacher told not to look down we went half way on jeeps almost 10 ppl in one jeep so abt 24 jeeps.Then we went climbing, not actual climbing a rocky surface, to climb can walk but while doing tht i looked down O_O we were on the higgest hill in munnar we were almost at the top.

i almost felt like shouting aahh but i was brave i didnt we reached a plain area then we found a road and walked on it we saw the animal on the way it had huge horns one of them went on to hit my friend but it was just a sracth then we took photos and all i will try to send u the photos we had fun there then we went to some place had our lunch and set off to a maluapetty dam (ok it sounded like that, dont know whether it was) i bought some tasty home made good for nothing chocolate there and u know they give 9 pieces and i had only 1/2 guess what happened to others keep on guessing i'm waiting tra...lalallllaaaa

i'hve become so dumb i cant remember anything there become so much more dumb i will be coming there just wait and keep on guessing i am just a time pass I HAVE BECOME SO dumd
[chorus end]
:D this is the suspense in the end u will know.

i bought a toy gun there with tht irritating sound as u know i like to irritae i irritated everyone it the bus what i did was i hid the gun under the seat in such a way tht i can make the ssound with anyone knowing its me so i made everyone so irritated tht i felt sad for them and left playing it (actually wht happened was they all came to know in one instant and took away my gun ) we then went for some tea shopping i bought some tea and all .we reached did some time pass. today we had a bonfire again we thought we will dance again but teachers said no dancing tonite awwww but we will have a tombola and the winner would get a dinner for 2 at green park hotel. my friend won but it was a tie with a junior as the the tickets were duplicate so she gave the prize away to the junior. u know what i didnt win anything actually there shud be a prize of the least no.s cut in a ticket i would have surely won it becoz only one of my no.s in the whole ticket was called out and tht was no 1 .

then we had a delicious dinner and went to bed.

Day 6

we all had a early breakfast and left for cochin and on the way was veegaland a ocean park type place . we started at 8 reached veegaland by 1:30 stayed there till 6 during this time i had fun on dashing cars. [they showed us] one small picture in which they take u on a very dagerous ride and twist and shake us it was worth seeing .U know us we rarely sit on gigantic rides i was forced to sit on 4 of thm. i almost fainted on the first one but other 3 went on quiet well. it was 6 we had to meet at musical fountain karke place it was beautiful we reached our hotel at 7 and had rest and then had dinner which sucked the teachers had decided to have a party like we had in munnar but all the children were too tried to have one more party some weren’t but they were very few so they called it off :(. we all had a sound sleep .

Day 7

we had our breakfast and left for the station

it was pretty much the same on return as we came only 2 differences were my friend didnt jump on me and i wasnt on the window seat :)

and the train was again 4 hours late but when i met mom i was sooooo happy

xxxxxxxxxxxTHE EHNDxxxxxxxxxxxxx

U know what i ddint lose anything during the journey :)

HMMMMMMMMM am i missing something really am I ? if i am plz reply hmmmmm what am i missing


gul muaaah

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Distance to Discovery

My kid brother's day by day account of his school trip to the Backwaters, relayed to me in an email. By far the best email i've every recieved obviously for sentimental reasons. Distance has led to my discovery of this flair for writing in him. Ofcourse grammer's taken a leap out of the window here, but he's an entertainer for sure. Someday when he starts a blog, we'll move this there :)

Some notes:
Gullu: thats what we call him pyar se :D
Chi: Stands for chikky, younger sister ..elder to him tho :)

From: My Brother
Sent: Wednesday, January 25, 2006 9:45 PM
To: me
Subject: Kerla trip pt 1


ya asked me to right abt my kerla trip so here it goes

day 1

i left the house at 9:30 after eating mommy ka brain we reached there (station) at 10:15 we were supposed to reach there at 10:30 there we came to know tht the train is at 12:00 i got so very pissed off i almost left like killing anyone who comes in my way like why the hell did they call us at 10:30

ok i took it light bolke i boarded the train we started . At 1:00 i was so hungry tht i ate up all the food mom gave me to eat for 2 days hen suddenly as i finished the food the organisers sent the lunch i felt so bad tht i ate up all my food and then the food comes here i learnt to save :) then i felt hungry all evening and the next day too .

Oh! i for got to tell abt the might time we all slept at 12 in the night i was freezing be coz my seat was next to the the door like it was seat no 1

ok i some how slept and suddenly my friend raghu u know him ?? ok anyways this guy is very fat but a cool guy he doesnt get sleep in the trains and likes to wake everyone up this guy helped me reach the bus on time through out the trip or else i would be sleeping the whole day ok this guy jumped on me to wake me up !!!! tht goota hurt when 85 KGs of human flesh jumps on u !!!

i couldnt get sleep for the whole night (he did the same thing to all ppl in our compartment like all our friends. ok so we talked and played away the whole night.


ok morning 7 i called up mom .Then i was so excited tht we will reach by 1 but to my horror when the breakfast came i asked the waiter when the train will reach he said it is 4 hours late O_O I almost felt like shouting NAHIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!. When we were almost to reach the city i just wanted to check whether my number lock is working and wanted to take out a sunglasses from the bag this was the worst thing happened to me the lock wasnt opening with the right combination of numbers i had to break the lock :( but it was all fun.

Ok we reached by 5 then we ernakulam town at 5 we left for periyar at 5:10 almost a 5 hour drive .reched periyar at 10:30 i called up mom and dozed off at the hotel room.

day 3

Today we went for spice shopping and went to a lake sort of santury .i saw a bison and my self hanging or trees (monkeys) and very beautiful birds .At the spice shopping i bought chocolate tea and pain massage oil for pa .when i reached Hyd i had a sip of tht tea and it tasted like shit chi scoled me like hell coz she to drank it i drank it first and said it was good but the after taste wasnt she roared onme but i said u just asked the taste not the after taste :D.

then we reached the hotle by 7 this was time giving prank calls to room no's and all it was fun .


moring i woke up all by myself at 5:00 took bath and woke my friends up .During tht time i had got some 6 prank calls and got a bit pissed off when the phone rang again i picked it up and said " wtf is your problem moring moring hamko parshan kyon kar rahe ho " the person to my horror was my gruop teacher he went off cooly asked "is everyone up get to breakfast in 10 mins ok" i got so embarssed "sorry sir!i didnt know it ws u i was angry coz i got many prank calls before this call sry" he explained " it's ok my boy we all are friends it happens ." after the phone call i said phew!! he didnt get angry at me . we left for the long waited munnar at 8:00 we reached by 3

the rest of the day was giving off for sight seeing it was soo cool we the pace we stayed at ws cool for sight seeing and we stayed in spearate cotages
5 in one in the evening we had a bonfire to which we all danced the whole night long but teachers asked us to back to our room's and sleep .

end of part one suspense will gullu have fun .what will gullu do in the next few days will he miss anyone ?? alll the in my next email coz this one was huge my hand is aching ugh

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Sunday, January 15, 2006

January 14th, 2006

sand darkens the sky
When the winds blew on the equinox of spring this year
it was the sand that colored the skies, not kites.

Friday, January 13, 2006

Please Don't

To become a soulless, thoughtless zombie
To become an unfriendly, unfeeling machine
To become an irreverent yet irritable slob
To become dishonest, disgusting rattler
To become a head nodding bobby doll
To become a glib talking, greasy salesman
To have the life wrung out of you
To learn how to sell yourself
Do an MBA