Ok this is what I’d wanted to say the last time I wrote about it but knowing me, I had to go off on a tangent.
Something about the blog world had been pissing me off lately and I couldn’t lay a finger on it. At first I got irritated that a friend brought up something serious I’d written in one of the posts as a joke at a party, I let it pass as her naivety. Then some blogs I visited regularly disappeared. Man, this sooo ticked me off!
I have this new friend who is an aspiring writer. Actually according to me he’s already there. He said to me, “I write. I love to write. I write stories. I don’t blog because I think they’re irresponsible”. It hit me. Yes, that’s exactly it! Blogs are irresponsible.
I blog, which means I write blogs and I read blogs. Lots of people do that. Blogs for very obvious reasons have become a place for some very personal expression. So when you interact with people at that level of intimacy you kind of end up getting attached to them or at least their blogs. Nothing can be more disturbing than clicking on that oh so familiar link one fine day and being rudely told off that the blog cannot be found. Obviously the owner’s deleted it. Obviously they felt no responsibility towards the readers whatsoever. Obviously it is your fault for being there in the first place - nobody invited you.
The blogs most prone to this kind of need for desertion of its audience I have realised are anonymous blogs. Nah, actually that’s a myth. Any blog can disappear any moment, just like that, without any prior notice.
So what is this whole blogging relationship about? There’s no trust factor. No accountability. So this can’t be called a friendship. Maybe there is absolute honesty. Maybe there are true mental connections being forged here. But that’s so ephemeral. What do you do with it? I’d say it’s like pure gold – very desirable but useless.
I’m going to continue blogging, despite this. I haven’t figured out why yet, perhaps that’s the stuff’t of another post. I’m certainly not going to do so under the cloak of anonymity like a coward. I shall bare my soul unabashedly and boldly suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous friendships.
PS: Its not fair that you know where I live, but the only way I can talk to you is by putting up a notice outside my door.