Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Being Undead

A new life is about to begin
A new morning for blue birds to sing
The orange glow at the horizon makes sweet promises
of clear blue skies, of yellow lillies and purple primroses

But unfinished business in this life
like chaines around my ankles anchors me as i spread my wings to take flight
So my soul wanders like the ghost of me
Let me go, set me free.

This old coil i want to shed
That path no longer i want to tread
I have found the place where i i want to be
Let me go, set me free

Not that this life was bad
Scars are like tattoos, works of art
Let them in silence tell my story
Now let me go, set me free!


Aran said...


Fanaah said...


william, the bloody said...

Now let me go, set me free
I have places to be.
Let me go, set me free.
Let me break away from me.

TP said...

May be theres no heaven for me,
Those primroses perhaps are not for me,
But thats the way it'll always be,
Now let me go, set me free

NN said...

Pretend i will not to innocent be
Not that i am wise any
I just have patience to count till three
Let me go, set me free