Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Please keep your distance

My friend says long distance relationships just can't work out because what u can say in a hug you can't ever express in a million words. I've come to learn quite the contrary.
Long distance realtionships are stonger precisely becuase you don't have the convenience of a hug. If somebody's pissed off, if something is wrong the only way to resolve a misunderstanding is by expressing yourself in words. Words that otherwise would have been supressed. We use and over use the hug and hell even the kiss. He's screaming at you just hug him and he'll melt, but all that discussion you would've had otherwise if you'd continued gets lost. Hence the misunderstanding never gets cleared. The questions never get asked. The questions never get answered. End of communication. Without realising you are bottling up things. Oneday a little jerk will make you burst like a cola bottle shaken too hard. End of relationship.
Distances forces you to express. Distance teaches you to be loud 'n' clear. So keep the distance. Am i clear?


Anonymous said...

whoa! That sounded angry.

I hear what you're saying but I don't agree with the conclusion you've come to. I don't know under what circumstances you wrote this, but everybody isn't the same. I agree that a relationship can survive where there's distance, but I know of people who wouldn't. They're just wired that way. To them, physical closeness translates into mental closeness, and I can understand that even if I don't agree. And again, it need not be an either/or sort of a situation. Who said communication dies when there's no distance between two people?

TP said...

as crystal ..

Pranay said...

Close or not...If it helps you communicate better it is bound to be a good relationship. it's the most important thing in a relationship.

william, the bloody said...

i agree with you. though it may not be the same thing with everyone. in my case, yes, distance does help. but i hope not to be away too long. communication certainly has improved, but there are days you would give an arm for just a look in to the eyes of your love. take care..

Fanaah said...

Absence, extinguishes the small and rekindles the great.

Couldn't agree more.

NN said...

Aran: my posts are in no way to be assumed to be generic truths. Its just me in a frame of mind. And this wasn't an angry post at all. it was just an experiment on how use of phrases associated can put the reader off track becuase he/she reads it with a predefined mindset. Aiyah!

tp: as always :)

Pranay:good point

P.W.F: I'll keep my fingers crossed ..if i've not already given them away.

Fanaah: that was totally quotable!

Anonymous said...

I call it "bonding by seperation"

PS: I'm a first time visitor

भूतनाथ said...

Right ho...