Thursday, October 18, 2007

Tagged: 8 Random Things

Welcome, welcome. Please to make yourself at home with my new look . Yes, yes you are free to admire it all you want. Kanishka here has tagged me. Yes me, moi, I, mein, mala, maney, naan... or atleast it said 'Neha' in his post wait lemme check. Yes, it's me! That leads me to random point number 1. Having a popular name really defies the entire point of having a name at all. I can't ever benefit from a vanity search, even though I can hear my name being called out distinctly, there is a high probability it's not me being summoned, and probably receives at least 10% of my e-mails and 10% of the e-mails meant for every other hum-naam in the world. I once had to fight it out with another girl at a job interview after the names were announced that it was in fact me they were referring to since both of us answered to the same name. Random thing number 2. The walls in the room are actually navy blue and i have orange curtains. No, I'm not colour blind. Not, yet. number 3. 'ooki' means big in Japanese and 'chotto' means small, 'hai' means yes, 'so des ka?' means 'is it so?' This is a universal response. You can say this to anyone whether you understand them or not. number 4. In boarding school i never washed my socks until they became too hard(like stiff) to pull on. I found that if I soaked them in hot water with Arial overnight, they would be like brand new again with little effort. point number 6. I will never forget that our school principal once compared adolescents/teenagers kissing to eating raw mangoes and adults kissing to eating ripe mangoes. point number 7. I read Anne Frank's diary (abridged) when i was 12 and concluded that my roommate was old enough to kiss people as she was as old as Anne Frank when she got her first kiss. Her brother married a Japanese girl. Point number 8. I missed point number 5. and I've never been to Japan but I have been to Bhutan.

I would like to tag TP and my little brother :)

Thanks Kanishka for this perfect opportunity to show off my new blogskin I really had nothing to write about. :)


KAD said...

Oh no. Not black again!! It looks bad on the web!! And ever heard or paragraphs? Bullets? What's become of you SPonage member.

BTW..Ewww at Socks!!! Hey not you..the other one...

NN said...

Would you rather have me use purple! :X Kafka didn't use paragraphs most of the time. Yeah ofcourse you're calling the other Neha. I used to get some of Neha Jain's mails, too and lot's of people congratulated me for winning the TT tournament :D.
Glad the Socks had the desired effect on you.:))

Fanaah said...

Nega! I always knew u were super good with all the jazz, but I never knew the job spared u so much time :P

@ never washing socks: Uve come a long way....n then maybe u havent :)

NN said...

Thanks P. :) ... but really all i did was add a background pic and move everything to the right :D ... it took me about 5 hours. It's actually shameful but i stayed up all night doing this and my sleep cycle has been screwed up ever since. So my job doesn't spare me time.

I can't believe out of everything all $that gets noticed is the socks.