Friday, January 30, 2009

You can see now

Two: You educate me! What would I do without you?
One: You would continue to dwell in the self-conceited delusion that is your life.
Two: I love it! :)
One: Ignorance is bliss, ain’ it?
Two: I prefer to call it ‘living in my own reality’
One: Yet again, words play sand quite eloquent
Two: And you sure play well.

Once again, the weakness of the word sets you on a round robin flight. The innate ability to misrepresent and then be misinterpreted deterring even communication, itself. That’s it! Words were not invented for communication, rather to satisfy the man’s most primal urge, no not sex, Definition, the constant nagging need to assign meaning. What does this mean? what does day mean? what is light? What is the meaning of life? what do you mean? You are mean, I mean etc, etc.

Humour me this – every word is but a noun, like in the worlds of Tlön, Uqbar and Orbis Tertius. Verbs are names for actions, adjectives are names for qualities, and prepositions are names for relative positions and so on and so forth. Nouns are strung together in a sequence to create the stories which we call our lives. For, it is these stories we spin that give our lives any meaning.

Each noun assigned a tacit meaning, attempted to capture with more nouns in dictionaries. So dictionaries dictate what a word means and dictionaries may beg to differ. And then we debate if Pluto a planet or a rock?

And I can wax eloquent all day on the subject, adding to the noise that blogs are and still not get across, but what can express the worthlessness of words better than a Silent Movie... nay, the Masterpiece of the master of silent cinema. Mostly you have to be blind or wasted to see through the outer definition of the tramp, because now his story doesn’t pre-empt his existence.

City Lights, Go See it!

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