So it was the ultimate congregation of phonies, fresh off some 'premier' B-schools. ‘The Cream of India’ lathargically sitting around the buffet table after really heavy supper chewing the fat. One guy from an 'extra premier B-school' suddenly interrupts and asks, “Do any of you read?”. I was like, ”Duh yeah of course we read. We didn’t get of graduating just like that you know.”, in my head. Another one with a particularly hoarce voice shot off, “yeah I love reading. I’m currently reading the biography of Indira Gandhi”. He to his dismay was unable to recall the name of the book. Damn he started a trend! Everyone started to take turns announcing what they were reading. Was I reading anything then? Damn I was. I’m still going to say I’m not reading anything, I don’t read, I decided. “God of small things”, I blurted when my turn came. Some spine I have. It wasn’t like I was held at gunpoint or anything. “But I don’t really like it”, I muttered to cover up.”I really liked Catch 22 though” falling again in the same damn pit again!
“Oh Catch 22! That’s a really cool book”
“Yeah I thought it was hilarious”
“Oh I’ve always wanted to read it but I was daunted by the size.”
“Yeah it’s a tough read alright. Took me ‘bout six damn months to get done with it”
“but it’s a great book”
“But Catcher in the Rye is really an awesome book. J.D. Salinger is really good.”
Eh! That statement was so off the boat it nearly killed me! What’s the catch? Phony ass bastard!
Shooting the bull with some guys from work at tea break:
Him: Hey I’ve finished reading that book you anted. Had finished it long back just forgot to let you know.
Me: Hmm no issues. I’m keeping myself quite busy. had bought some books so read that over the weekend.
Him: What book?
Me: Err..Catcher in the Rye *reluctantly*
Him: *face lights up* that’s a really good book.
Me: I know, I read it.
Him: Have you read Catch 22?
Me: *fell off the chair*
Here’s a fresh one:
What’s the opposite of Thank you?
Fuck you
Knock yourselves out !!!
Disclaimer: Still in the Catcher in the Rye sort of mood. Figured I’d use the language used in the book just for the effect. To bring out the irony, you know. Havn’t done a good job of it, in keeping with the style. No offence to anybody or anything like that.
haha ... thats a nice opposite for 'thank you'.
Catcher in the Rye has inspired two famous assassinations - Lennon and Lincoln. I have never read the book, but for those who have .. whats in it?????
@swb: Yeah, I actually thought of that myself. What an inspirign book ..haha.
@666: Just an average guy's frustration.
I heard about the Lennon connection. didn't know abt the Lincoln link. Hey you think its connected with the kennedy assasination ? Oh what about the Gandhis? hahaha.
Hmmm I didnt think Catcher in the rye was that good, the brilliance didnt find me I guess.
And catch 22 is still pending...
I bought the Google way
I dont think I read anymore!
Easy girl, easy on the profanities.
I kinda am going the fanaah way, fiction interests me very little now, getting in more deeper...the VS Naipal travelogues, Islam, Middle East history, and history in general. Anything non-fictional.
I am growing old.
@nn: Interestingly, Nathuram Godse read Perry Mason the evening before he assassinated MKG
@kanishka: a deeep hhmmm.....
@fanaah: I never said it was a great book. It's more of a guy thing apparently. They go though that sort of a phase katey.
It's ok darling, i read out of desparation thats it :)
@Kanishka: hmm..travelogues sound like a good idea :)
@666: So what was it about the book that made them do it? Good research here i come
As far as i know, no relation between the book and the act.
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